Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Graff Dairy...Yummy

Something wonderful and delicious in Grand Junction you say? Oh Yes! My new discovery today...Graff Dairy. You could drive right past it and not even know it. This Ma and Pop shop has to-die-for soft serve ice cream. Daily specials are available, and all at a decent price. My delight today was a small mocha cone. Now I say small, which in Graff Dairy terms means meal in itself. What did this treat set me back you ask...only $1.65! Can you believe it? And no, I did not ask how many Weight Watchers points it cost me. Finally a destination I can share with those that come to visit!


The Favorite said...

Ummm.. yeah... pretty sure that's "DIARY." NOT good for the baby. Melissa, we talked. I mean, I just don't know what to think now. Izzy isn't happy. I won't speak for anyone else. :|

matt . lori . maya . daisy . olivia said...

Thats sounds so yummy! Have you ever tried Warm Delights? They are so good especially with ice cream! I eat one almost every night!!

Anonymous said...

There are 2 other important reasons to visit Grand Junction! Okay- we like to see Chad too :)

Diane said...

It's nice to find a "best" where we live and a place to share with out of town visitors. I am pretty sure Izabella loves to have a sweet treat--I vote for chocolate!