Saturday, July 14, 2007

Our Sweet Babe

No words can describe what it is like to be new parents and yet, how did we ever live with out her? Just 6 weeks ago today Izabelle joined our new family. Her arrival though joyous was filled with fear, anxiety, and so many unknowns. You see my sweet girl couldn't wait and "cut in line" (as her Grand Lady would say) to get here, 4 weeks early! After Chad determined my water broke (my funny husband remembering details from our birthing class) he danced around grinning ear to ear singing "We're going to have a baby!". All the while I was in tears. No, not tears for my "preemie" baby, but not having my stroller yet. The list could go on for days of the things I did not yet have (thank heavens for Moms and Mother-in-laws). Labor. Oh, labor. It was not what I thought it would be like, nor what others had described to me. How can you really describe labor though? Impossible. Well lots of drugs, screaming, and a set of forceps later...she decided to arrive (finally). Izabelle was fine and by some miracle :) her mother survived. I LOVE being a Mom. I love that this little spirit from our Heavenly Father needs my earthly nurturing. It is a constant roller coaster as I continually question myself as a mother and yet, I love it. How blessed we are to have this sweet babe.


lacey said...

Oh my goodness! I do think she looks like Chad. I can't wait to get my hands on her this week. Thank you x 100 for finally posting some pictures! I love seeing you. You write so well...

Diane said...

I love sharing this time with you. Who could have told you what an E ride you were about to take. I remember bringing you home from the hospital--I am still on that E ride! Enjoy it all.