Monday, October 8, 2007

Who Does Izabelle Look Like?

Chad and I have an ongoing debate as to who Izabelle looks like, him or I. Many times we catch ourselves saying, "She got that from you" or, "That is a Barney thing". Well as of late my husband told me Izabelle gets her double chin from ME. Can you believe that? I happened to be rummaging in pictures and found the below baby picture of tell me...double or triple chin? :)

This is me at 10 months old.

Chad with his multiple chins...not sure at what age.

So it will be interesting to hear others opinions on our sweet baby and her "genetic traits". Please comment and finally settle the debate!


Diane said...

Sorry Chad but your girl takes after you--the picture is very telling. So Melissa were you the cutest or what--and go figure you started out cute and turned to beautiful--again the pictures are very telling.:)

Anonymous said...

I think that she takes after Chad- but hopefully she will get her fashion sense from Melissa :)

lacey said...

I say Chad. But you know what, I INSTANTLY thought my Emma and Landon looked JUST LIKE MELISSA. Am I seeing things?

Jess said...

Yes, yes definately Chad!!!