Monday, August 6, 2007

Sick Izzy B

I had no idea what effect a sick baby does to your nerves, motherhood is such a roller coaster. The day we returned from our trip to Kentucky Izzy started to get sick. A usually easy going, sleepy, and happy baby became very fussy, cranky and uncomfortable. After taking her to the doctor they determined that she was at an age where sitting up after she ate was necessary to keep from getting an upset tummy (never addressing the other symptoms she was having). To make a long story short, after a trip to Docs on Call and X-rays Izzy has Bronchialitis. She is doing so much better with a little Tylenol and a nebulizer of Abuterol (above). Her Mommy in turn is also much better!


Diane said...

Melissa--I love your new pictures and am so glad your little girl is feeling better--that means my little girl is feeling better too. Can't wait to see you

lacey said...

Sorry she got it from me. I miss you still!

Jess said...

Poor little Izzy! It's so hard to have sick babies!