Sunday, August 1, 2010

Busy Barneys

Before Hadley came we were BUSY B's around here! I had lists for both Chad and I that were constantly being updated and added to (poor Chad). For the most part I got everything done that I wanted to before the big day. Some of the things I got to;

Cleaned and organized every closet in the house
Lots of sewing
Cleaned car seats, highchair and baby swing
Over all deep cleaning of entire house
Cleaned porches and painted the front door
Got Hadley's room/sewing room cleaned and organized
Slip covered a chair

...there was more but I threw my list away! :)

Below are two other projects we did, the girls playroom and our front yard. Chad did all of the sprinkler work himself including lots, and lots of digging (again, poor Chad)!

Our playroom is more like a closet, and right off our living room. I needed to maximize space!
Chad mounted this chair and the girls (& Chad) LOVE it!

We are getting new pictures taken of the girls with our new addition so, this wall will be updated.

This is actually our neighbors yard currently but, our yard had the same "zero scape" (they were owned by the same people when we bought the house). It was an eye sore to say the least!

Ta Da! I LOVE it! Now all we need is a fence to keep the hoodlums in!


Summer said...

Love your yard!!! I am jealous- Can Chad come here and work on ours?

Yours girls are so lucky to have such a darling play room- the walls are so sweet.

Hey- Maybe you can come and help me knock out my house list :)

mid said...