Thursday, June 24, 2010

Do you think I can handle 3?

I have been working on another post with all of the good things we have been working on around here getting ready for baby #3. However, today was a day like no other and I had to share.

I am at the non sleeping stage of this pregnancy and I took a sleeping pill too late making my morning very groggy. The girls were up at 6am and I wanted to die! I put Ellery down for a morning nap (I never do that anymore)....and I also fell asleep. I woke to Izzy naked cleaning her hands in my bathroom. She said "Go back to sleep Mama, I clean up, relax, go back to sleep." I noticed something chalky on her arms. Then the smell. Oh the smell. I knew I had doomed myself by sleep. Below is what I found...

Izabelle had taken a brand new container of comet, dish soap, windex and hand soap and had "cleaned" the entire living room carpet. The containers were EMPTY! Dish soap and comet mashed into the carpet. How did she have access you wonder...the new kitchen did not yet have the child proofing completed. (Chad came right home and installed the latches during his lunch) We tried cleaning it ourselves and it just continued to sud! It was a mess!
I didn't yell, I didn't scream, I didn't even cry. There were no words. I couldn't be too mad at her, It was my fault I fell asleep. and friends it's ok to judge me...I know I have no business having a 3rd. All I ask....please do no tattle on me to CPS!
**On the up side- my carpets had to be cleaned....yeah clean carpet!


Rustino Scar said...

sad and funny and cute! She just wanted you to relax while she cleaned up. Good intentions, gotta love 'em.

matt . lori . maya . daisy . olivia said...

OH my goodness, you are a beter mom than me. I think I would have screamed! That will be something you won't forget! So do you know what your having? When are you due?

JoEllen said...

You are fine to have 3! Every mom has moments like that and I probably would have gotten mad. I think I have gotten mad at things like that. Life will be fine and you will get the hang of having 3.

mid said...