Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Our Izabelle Turns 1!!

We cannot believe how the year has flashed before us. It truly seems like yesterday I was pregnant with Izabelle. We also cannot believe how much she has changed our lives. There truly is no better joy than to watch your infant grow and learn.

Izabelle is a good seed! From the time we brought her home she has been SO GOOD! She loved to eat! And loved to sleep even more! At 5 weeks she was sleeping through the night (I know...we were seriously spoiled). I remember visiting Lacey when she was 7 weeks old, all Lacey could say "She's like a coma baby!". Her favorite place to nap was on her tummy on the floor. She would just grunt around (Oh how I miss those cute little baby noises!). Izabelle made my "Motherhood Adjustment" so precious and enjoyable. How blessed and privileged I am to be her Mom.
Izzy still loves to eat. After visiting her Great Grandpa in Boise, Oreos are a favorite (the picture above). She LOVES to wrestle with her Dad, play with Lucy our dog, swing at the park, watch Signing Time, LOVES to love on her yellow blanky (OK it's a yellow rag) and suck her thumb. She has always been a mover but, even more so now that she is walking. She thinks all attention is hers. We are so glad she is ours! Happy Birthday Izabelle!


Anonymous said...

I wish that I could have been there to celebrate with you guys! Seeing you in Vegas was a close second.

Jen said...

Melissa!!! It's Jen Throolin in case you were wondering. How's it going? Number 2 on the way huh? That's exciting! I need to get on the stick!